Wavelength interviews founder, Jim Storey, to understand what drove him to ignite S/P

Wavelength interviews founder, Jim Storey, to understand what drove him to ignite S/P

Jim Storey was being ground down by the rat race and losing touch with his love for adventure before he launched S/P apparel brand, and rediscovered his first passion.

Find out about the key event which kicked his ass into action and how he aims to breathe a fresh perspective into the surf scene.

"Most brands focus on selling the dream, but they forget that not all of us can actually live it on a permanent basis. For 90% of the time most of us are living normal lives, navigating urban environments and holding down a busy work or family life. I believe strongly that we shouldn’t be trying to escape our everyday lives and only living toward those moments where we can get amongst the great outdoors. We should be embracing both worlds simultaneously. City and sea can co-exist in a positive, balanced way. It doesn’t have to be one or the other."

The interview is here.